Tuesday 27 May 2014

life n stuff

life is quite a journey
ups downs round a bouts
reflecting back on times past
realising ones steps
each leading somewhere new
to deal with some lesson

pauses needed now n then
to realign ones dream
life is quite a journey
and sometimes it can seem
confusing and misguided
yet these are the times
when out of the fog some
beautiful truth emerges

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Don't Give Up !

2 months to go and I'll be the proud owner of a Diploma in Screen and Media.
I can't believe the year's passing by so fast! One year ago I was wondering what I was going to do "next year" ...

It's been a huge learning curve and a couple of times I didn't think I would go the distance. Feeling overwhelmed is a trigger for me so taking on programes like Flash and Premiere to learn was very tricky....

As I've managed to learn one small task, I've realised that it wasn't so scary after all... and ventured on to learn something else that seemed totally daunting.

So this blog is really just a reminder that we are capable of so much more than we imagine. Just by stepping out into a new field is daunting, exciting and exhilarating. I've made so many new friends and learnt such a lot. What new opportunities await?

Sunday 16 September 2012

Listening to your Intuition

Recently I left a man whom I thought I was going to be with for the rest of my.... you know the story.... the 'happy ever after story' the 'he is the ONE' story....
I don't want to go into great detail here, because let's face it, relationships are personal but all I will say is a big thank you to myself for listening to my intuition.
It was listening to those uneasy 'nudges' from within that sent me on a search to find the truth.

And when I found it, I left.

What I want to write about though are the weeks following.
One day I was feeling vulnerable and a little sorry for myself.  It's not easy to move on into the unknown when your whole worlds just been turned upside down. Not easy to be the one leaving when you have no idea where your going to go!

So this day I'd been clearing out all my old paperwork after finding another place to live (in record time - thank you Universe!) and I found an email exchange between this man and 'another lady'.... the curious part of me started to read it... Which is when i needed to give myself a talking to.....

"You know what Loni, this isn't going to do you any good going over what's happened, it's now in 'the past' so let's move on girl....."

 A part of me wanted to get angry, another part felt self righteous, "how dare he" -  kind of thinking and another part went 'you know what? Go for a drive!'

I listened to the third part. I hopped in my car and off I went to the local shopping centre. A bit of retail therapy never hurt anybody now - did it?  As I walked towards the entry I suddenly heard a woman's voice quietly say 'oh it's you! oh hello?'

We stood in quiet disbelief at bumping into one another as it was ....HIS MOTHER! ....OMG

One of the things I struggled with breaking off with this man was the love of his family. They were all super! I felt like I'd finally found 'my tribe'. Strange eh?  So seeing this loving lady put her arms out to hug me... well, I burst into tears! But maybe it was exactly what I needed  - loving arms and a big hug. It reminded me that all is well. I am loved. I am lovable! Maybe just maybe, it just wasn't meant to be.

Last weekend, I decided to go up to the Eumundi Markets early and who should I bump into but his sister, neice and her hubby.  (We had visited all of them in Adelaide in July and I felt in synch with them) ...  So, What are the chances?

I just want to remind every one that .....

Our intuition is alive and well inside each of us. If we will just let go long enough to listen to our nudges and go with the flow - all kinds of re-kindlings can occur.

I'm about to go off onto another journey soon and this one is going to be heavily reliant apon my intuition, but that story is for another time and 'up the track'.